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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Super Mario 3D land and Zelda Skyward Sword Controller Bundle!
I've preordered these 2 Nintendo gems, and yeah my wii is collecting dust in the box, now I found myself a very good excuse to bring it out and hook it on my new LED TV to play. I seriously dont know where I've misplaced my wiimotes + nunchuk already, so when I heard there's this bundle with a Wiimoteplus controller, I quickly make my preorder! Not only does the package comes in a shiny golden box, it also contains the 25th annivesary Zelda orchestra Music CD inside, Woot!!

Can you feel the EPICNESS!!!!

Everything inside the box, including gold batteries! Muahahaha!
 The Super Mario Land 3d, just the normal edition, in the US they are bundling the game with a Flame red Nintendo 3DS, which is a dope! Too bad I got my 3Ds way earlier. Nothing to brag about the Mario, just your usual 3DS game casing, minimally designed.

CD also Gold in color!! This is the Limited Orchestra symphony CD!
 The Music CD, consisting of 45 mins zelda soundtrack all fullly orchestrated, featuring tunes from previous zelda games. These are the tracklisting and below is the link to youtube music sample!

1. The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley
2. Kakariko Village Twilight Princess Theme
3. The Wind Waker Symphonic Movement
4. Gerudo Valley
5. Great Fairy’s Fountain theme
6. Twilight Princess Symphonic Movement
7. The Legend of Zelda Main Theme Medley
8. Ballad of the Goddess from Skyward Sword

Some pictures of the beatiful golden wiimote, isnt it lovely! This is the new version of wiimote which means it has wiimotion plus in it without needing you to connect motion plus like the old version!
Imagining this as the skyward sword! Yehaaa!

With Zelda Emblem design, all gold in color!
Now I got to go hunt for new nunchuk since I cannot find my old one, grrrr! Things always went 'missing' after moving house! My next bunch of pictures will probably be my Metal Gear HD:Limited Edition, yeah I'm pretty crazy, I admit!

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