So being the gadget kiasu master, I've taken the effort to import myself the latest gadget from apple which is the new iPad all the way from Singapore. And so far I'm loving it. Since you can easily find plenty of review by professionals out there and do you really need reviews to tell you how awesome apple and their devices are? Blek! So I'll do a small write up about a gorgeous app just released not long just perfect with the new iPad super highres retina display. This wonderful app is called paper by fiftythree.
People made a big fuss about fiftythree because they are the same people involved in the video of microsofts currier. Which was then a history after the project was killed, for whatever reason? But maybe cause its too advance for our current technology maybe? So the team came out and made an app for iOS. Currently only available on iPad only. And this software is worth every penny if you like drawing or sketching on your iPad!
It's actually free for tryouts. But only the eraser and pen tool is available. After messing around with the pen tools, I quickly downloaded the whole package for only usd7.99 which is not too expensive for something which I been using everyday since its launch day. Okay I may not be the greatest artist but I do enjoy drawing. So I'll upload some drawings here just to let you guys see what you can expect from the app itself. And oh yeah, please have a stylus ready, you'll appreciate the app more with a stylus.
So what you're waiting for? go download it now!
This is the main interface, all drawings are kept in the notebooks. elegent!
My attempt for Starbucks logo! yeah Im a starbucks freak!
Simple writing is beautifully rendered on Paper!
Did a self-portrait with my dog Sora here.
And Sora's own portrait.
A sketch of a dark alley..
A sketch of one my favourite game on PSN - journey
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