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Monday, 12 September 2011


2AM for Mens Health
So in my quest to becoming the next abs model in mens healths magazine (I wish), err, farcry? well sometimes people need dream yo! Gimme a break. Okay, call me vain now and I will admit it, but sometime a year ago I don't really care if I'm fat or if I have a tummy, was going to go with the excuse of having fat genes (yes! My grandpa was in the local newspaper back then being one of the fattest guy around). And of course I started rethinking about my life and how I should start losing weight and live healthier in terms of lifestyle and be more active physically. Also, I want to look more sexy and determine to abandon my twinky look (yes I still consider myself a twink at 27 of age, lol).

Your shape fitness evolved.
So I got myself an xbox slim and kinect last Christmas as an excuse to do exercise, with ubisoft fitness game called, yourshape fitness evolved. It's a very comprehensive game as it has multiple program selection, some for weight lost, some for body toning, and then they track your progress online to be compared to your friends and families. Then it was updated with more fitness Options, yoga classes, bollywood dances, boxing classes, and cardio classes.

A typical screenshot from the game, the person on the right is a miror image of yourself.

TV ad for Yourshape fitness evolved!.
The game tracks how much calories was burn, and the information on screen tells you if you are in sync with the instructor. A typical timer on the top, and exercise information on the top right. You are presented with a virtual version of yourself (how cool is that), and every movements is mirrored on screen so you can do comparison with the instructor on the left, very useful! The graphics here are very well done, interface is very intuitive and modern ala in minority report, cool x10!

Ea Active sport come in a box bundled with resistant band, and heart rate sensor!
Graphics are more cartoony and colorful as compared to ubisoft's your shape.

Trailer shown in E3 demonstrating the game modes.
The second fitness game I got was ea active sports 2. This game is very cool, it comes with a heart rate sensor that you wear over your arms and as you do exercise your heart rate will be displayed on screen! How cool! This game also has online component, and the exercises concentrates on different body part you wish to target, extremely customizable! Kinect is really meant for exercise games. The instructor will constantly give you feedback saying your too slow, you have to jump higher, your arms not straight enough, every angles matters! Highly recommended game as well and it comes with a resistant band for more effective workout and for those who are more serious you can add weights (buy from furthers shop) over your wrist and feet so you'll burn more calories.

Harmonix crafted a masterpiece, yet again!
The 3rd games is not really a fitness game but it is the game I had most fun with! It's called dance central only available exclusively for kinect made by the genius behind rockband series, Harmonix! This is probably the best kinect game ever, essentially a dancing game with great song list, updated monthly and downloadable through xboxlive but with a fee. It's also a great party game and it's such a blast to have danceoff in your living room with friends and family. It's does has a workout mode, although not too comprehensive, basically just cardio workout. By just playing game itself, you'll not only guaranted to sweat profusely, your muscle will ache as well!

Ellen degeneres introducing dance central!

So, who said games are for lazy, fat bum? Think twice!

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